May 23, 2023

Sustainability in Custom Home Building

May 25, 2023
Landon, founder and builder at Prestige Custom Builders, sits down to discuss the importance of product quality and sustainability in your home.

“One of the first things I look at is the warranty.”

The length of the warranty and how the supplying company stands behind the warranty is a key factor when considering where to source the products in your home. 

This is why we use brands like Delta and Kohler, because they have outstanding warranties and high quality products. The different levels of products they sell vary in price, but they are sustainable and will last in your home. 

“I have it in my house and it lasts.”

At Prestige, we wouldn’t expect you to do anything we wouldn’t do. That's why we have the home buyer in mind when it comes to shopping for kitchen appliances, bathroom fixtures, and more. 

The sustainability of the items we purchase is equally important as the cost because the appliances in homes need to last. These items are used on a daily basis, therefore you need something that is going to withstand family living.

The quality of materials used matter on the inside and outside. Living in the Gulf Coast requires preparation for wind, storms, sun, salt, and more. That is why we use durable materials like James Hardie siding, triple locking system doors, and weatherproof wood finishes. 

One of the biggest problems in the home building industry is opting for nice and trendy looking features but their quality is sacrificed for price. You see this often in windows, doorknobs, plumbing fixtures, and exterior doors. Achieving a nice look for a lesser product means you are sacrificing quality.

“Sometimes cheaper is not better. It’s just cheaper.”

You often see Prestige using certain styles of windows and doors. This is because we are trying to achieve quality without breaking the bank. This is a sustainable way for our business to ensure your family has a home with features that last, without overspending. 

We don’t want your family running into issues in as little as 3 to 4 years. Problems arise with unsustainable home products like finishes wearing off, plumbing fixtures starting to drip, seals decaying, and more. 

“You get what you pay for.”

And at Prestige, we know that quick deterioration is not what you deserve whether your home is new or remodeled. 

We are mindful of the kinds of weather homes experience on the coast. We coat any pilings and wood we can with protective materials. We are also aware that when living anywhere from 300 ft to 1,800 ft off the water the salty air also gets inside. That’s why we are mindful of the durability of the products used in and on your home. 

Certain areas are different because you can only use certain builders. That’s why Landon says: 

“It’s super important to sit down and have an interview.”

This is an opportunity for you to get to know the builder and for them to get to know you. When values align, this is when the best homes are built. When you can form a relationship with your builder, you are going to receive the effort and quality you are looking for. 

At Prestige, we don’t want to work for you, we want to work with you.

To learn more about the services Prestige can provide for you, contact Landon directly at

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